The Toc H General Members Branch has almost fifty members most of whom live outside Brisbane and they do a lot to keep alive the ‘Spirit of Toc H’ and the ‘Name of Toc H’ in places like Orange and Newcastle (in New South Wales), Canberra (in the Australian Capital Territory) and Toowoomba, Millmerran, Pittsworth, Maryborough, Rockhampton and Townsville (in Queensland). Most have been members of Toc H for many years.
The origins of this Branch are interesting and can be traced back to 1925 when a small group of women in Brisbane formed the Toc H League of Helpers. By the 1930s the League had its own badge and blazer, on the pocket of which was the ‘Lamp of the Magnificat’ and it did outstanding work in the community under the leadership of Miss Macfie who lived on Tower Hill in London. In 1943 its name was changed to the Toc H Women’s Association and the contribution this Association has made to Toc H, not only in Australia, but also around the world has been most significant. It was., however, not until 1948 that members of the League of Helpers in Brisbane decided to form the Brisbane Toc H Women’s Association. For many years its members worked closely with the Royal Queensland Bush Children’s Health Scheme travelling to places like Cunnamulla and Quilpie to accompany ‘bush children’ to Brisbane for medical treatment. By the early 1990s many members of the Women’s Association were becoming less active and unable to attend meetings and it was decided to change the name once more – to the Toc H General Members Branch and its first meeting was held on the 23rd May 1992. Seventeen people attended that meeting. Since then this Branch has grown and includes amongst its membership those who are unable to attend regular meetings because of age or because they live outside the Brisbane area. It is administered by a small group of people who do live in Brisbane and who are able to attend meetings which are held once a quarter. Previous Projects:
Membership to the General Members Branch is open to anyone who is in sympathy with the aims and objectives of Toc H and the annual subscription is just $30.00 Contact details are as follows: |